Consulting Projects
Contact me for help with any of the following:
Cleaning data.
Making graphs.
Explaining database basics.
Setting up printers.
Transferring files onto USB drives.
Making simple edits to Squarespace or Blackboard sites.
Determining whether Microsoft Word is installed.
Finding “the files” “in the computer.”
Ordering a nose guard for a sleep apnea machine off of Amazon.
Picture of me showing my dad where the files are in the computer.
“Laura walks through each problem with you patiently. She can fix anything from a printer that’s been knocked off the network to pesky database queries that spit out innumerable duplicates. She is relentless — even when you, the client, have given up and don’t care anymore — she will stick with the issue until it is completely resolved, regardless of the amount of time or whether you need your computer back in order to do something more important. She really cares about the machines and fixing them. No problem is too big or small for her. She knows how to google like no one else, too. Call her for all your hardware, software, malware, and any other ware issues you’re having.”
“Laura is a good daughter and helps me with the computer when she has time.”